Medical Astrology
"A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician."
Patron of Astrology - Ganesha
The First COVID Vaccine - Will it be effective?
The 10th house and its lord indicate treatment. Mercury, 10L is combust in detriment, in the 1st house (body) with Ketu (loss). The vaccine is useless. Moon (8L - death, fear, scandal) is conjunct the MC on Denebola, a malefic star. Moon is also in a grand cross with the nodes and opposition to Neptune. The 22nd degree of MC is inauspicious as it holds the symbology of Saturn (12=10).
Denebola - If Rising: Riches, preferment and good fortune attended by many dangers and anxieties through own folly, benefits seldom last, trouble and sickness. [The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, p.161.]
Denebola on MC 21°38 Virgo - * Criticism, perseverance, control, lack of imagination, honors, undesirable associates, mental illness, happiness turns to despair, disease, natural disasters, catastrophes.
Denebola - With Moon: Honor and preferment among the vulgar but final disgrace and ruin, violent disease of a vital organ, blindness, and injuries to the eyes, accidents. The 'Tail of the Lion' has a Uranian nature, and it is supposed that, in mundane horoscopes, major catastrophes are triggered off by it
On the other hand, Mars - ruler of the ascendant (body, people, health) is in the 4th house (lockdown) in own sign, soon entering the 5th (sports, exercise), exalting the Sun - the population is very strong and healthy. The 6L, Venus is in detriment in the 12th house - the disease is leaving us as I predicted 8 months ago. (Pandemic Astrology - Laban).
I wouldn't give this shot to anyone! (Speaking from 30 years of experience in the medical and pharmaceutical field).
The First COVID Vaccine - Will it be effective? Part 2
The First COVID Vaccine - Will it be effective? Continuation - 12 Dec - Mercury (nerves) in detriment in the 1st house (face)!